Talent Pool Database for Board Directorship Opportunity 董事人才資料庫

Jun 30, 2024

With effective from 1 January 2022, the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Exchange) introduced important updates to the Corporate Governance Code which among other changes, aimed to promote board and gender diversity, with new rules to ensure single gender boards to be phased out by 31 December 2024.

自2022 年1 月1 日起,香港聯合交易所有限公司(聯交所)對《企業管治守則》進行了重要更新的公布,其中包括旨在促進董事會的性別多元化的新規則和在2024 年 12 月 31 日前 上市公司必須以分階段形式設立非單一性別董事會的要求。

According to the Analysis of 2022 Corporate Governance Practice Disclosure that was published by the Exchange in November 2023, the percentage of single gender board issuers has dropped by 8% compared to a year ago. However, there were still some single gender board issuers (around 550 issuers) that were not in compliance with this diversity requirement. These issuers were reminded to appoint at least one director of a different gender well ahead of the deadline of 31 December 2024. In order to comply with the diversity requirements, i) the existing single board issuers and ii) any new IPO issuers, are required to appoint different gender board directors who have relevant experience and/or professional qualification to sit on their respective boards.

根據聯交所於2023年11月發布的《2022年公司治理常規揭露分析》,單一性別董事會發行人的比例較去年同期下降8%。 然而,仍有一些單一性別董事會發行人(約 550 家發行人)仍未符合此多元化的要求。 這些發行人必須在 2024 年 12 月 31 日截止日期之前任命至少一名不同性別的董事。

In view of this demand and potential opportunity, AWAHK and WDA are inviting all our members to express your interest to be included in our complimentary talent pool database for potential board directorship opportunity. If you are interested in this initiative, please fill in the form .

鑑於此需求和潛在機會, 香港女會計師協會和深港澳女董事聯盟成立免費人才資料庫。現致函邀請有興趣會員加入我們的免費人才資料庫。 如果你對此計畫有興趣,請填寫表格:

Please click here to register

Feel free to contact us or our Council Member Lily Kwok lilykwok@ippfa.com.hk if you have any questions. Thank you.

如果你有任何疑問,請隨時聯絡 郭雪英 lilykwok@ippfa.com.hk。 謝謝